3月10日表露的国务院机构改革和职能转变计划表明,新一轮国务院机构改革行将启动,国务院组成部门将减少至25个 lv2013皮夾目錄。改革的重点是,牢牢缭绕改变职能和理顺职责关联,稳步推动大部门制改革,履行铁路政企离开,整合增强卫生和规划生育、食物药品、消息出版和播送片子电视、海洋、能源治理机构。
The overhaul, the seventh in three decades, will see the State Council cut the number of its ministry-level bodies from 27 to 25 while reorganizing several other agencies and departments.
文中的overhaul就是指的此次大部制“改革”。国务委员兼国务院秘书长马凯表现,目前某些部门存在duplication of functions(职能穿插), overlapping management(反复监管), inefficiency and bureaucracy(效力低下和官僚风格)等问题,这会导致corruption and dereliction of duty(腐朽和失职景象)的产生。
1. 铁道部“拆分”,实施铁路政企分开。
Under the plan, the Ministry of Railways铁道部 will be split with its regulatory powers going to the Ministry of Transport交通部 while its commercial operations will be run by a company.
2. 组建国家食品药品监视管理总局。
To improve food and drug safety, the government restructuring program upgrades the State Food and Drug Administration to ministry level to give it more power.
3. 组建国家新闻出版广播电影电视总局。
Two media regulators, the State Administration of Press and Publication and the State Administration of Radio lv2013包包型錄, Film and Television, are being merged to oversee press, publication, radio, film and television.
新东方小编:“国家新闻出版广播电影电视总局”英语就是“the State Administration of Press and Publication and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television”,喘口吻……
4. 组建国家卫生跟打算生养委员会 lv蜜語包包。
The National Health and Family Planning Commission will come into existence through the merger of the Health Ministry with the National Population and Family Planning Commission.
5. 从新组建国度大陆局。
Other important changes include restructuring the oceanic administration to enhance maritime law enforcement and protect marine resources.
6. 重新组建国家能源局。
A regulatory body that sets electricity rates will be absorbed into the National Energy Administration lv2013名牌包款.